Google Code : cocos2d-iphone
cocos2d for iPhone: A framework for building 2D games for the iPhone and iPod Touch
cocos2d をベースのiPhoneゲーム・フレームワーク。
Games using cocos2d
You Tube : cocos2d for iPhone, an open source 2d engine
You Tube : cocos2d for iPhone, an open source 2d engine #2
Google Code : chipmunk-physics という2D physics engineも搭載されてるらしい。
Scene management (workflow)
Transitions between scenes
Basic menus and buttons
Integrated Chipmunk 2d physics engine
Particle system
Text rendering support
Texture Atlas support
Tile Map support
Parallax scrolling
Touch/Accelerometer support
Portrait and Landscape mode
Integrated Pause/Resume
Supports PowerVR Texture Compression (PVRTC) format
Language: objective-c
Open Source: Compatible with open and closed source projects
OpenGL ES 1.1 based
svn でダウンロード。
現在のバージョンは V0.7。
Box2D もバンドルされてるんですね。
ピンバック: イナヅマtvログ » iPhone SDK, BIT-101 の開発ヒントエントリー